Executive Education
With over 30 years of experience in university teaching, executive education, and research, Vinod offers corporate and association clients learning solutions in the areas of his expertise, namely, strategy, global business, and digital business. Guest faculty are invited from industry and academia as needed.
Executive education solutions for business:
Strategy, all specializations, including business and corporate strategy, global strategy, and digital strategy.
Global Business, including entering and competing in foreign markets, and competing in emerging markets.
These flexible solutions are available in face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid formats.
To capture the pragmatic, action-oriented nature of these programs and the complexity of the issues involved, Vinod uses a blend of mini lectures, in-class case discussion, small group discussion, audio-visual, experience sharing, case studies, even live case studies (for custom programs).
Six of his programs are described below, including the latest program he designed, The Rules and Tools of Digital Business. For custom programs, Vinod works with the client to design a learning solution to meet their specific learning objectives and audiences. Custom programs can be offered at client premises, online, or both.
Business and Corporate Strategy
The business environment of the 21st century is undergoing radical change. Companies now compete in domestic, global, and digital markets concurrently. These markets are characterized by accelerating technological change, rising customer expectations, intense competition, and transitory competitive advantage.
This program is about firms’ strategy for value creation and value capture in different business contexts—across time (competitive advantage), geographies (global strategy), and industries (corporate strategy).
Program participants will explore theories, frameworks, and models for understanding the rules of the game for winning in these different, but concurrent, business contexts.

Global Strategy
This program is about the challenge and the excitement of doing business and competing internationally, based mostly on my own book, Global Strategy: Competing in the Connected Economy (Routledge, 2016). It focuses on the “strategic” and “organizational” aspects of firms as they globalize their geographic footprint.
Unlike many global strategy programs, this program is not about competing in the G7, nor the emerging markets—but all of them (the G20)—and their interactions in an increasingly interconnected world.
It is structured around three broad modules: The Context of Global Business; Strategy for International Markets; and Global Strategy Implementation.
Global Business
With the overseas activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs) accounting for over $30 trillion in annual revenues, they constitute a significant and increasing component of the world economy.
This program introduces you to the complexities of operating in a globalizing world economy as well as how to take advantage of the opportunities it offers. It examines key economic, political, cultural, technological, and regulatory factors impacting global business.

These include the basic elements of the global economy—international trade, investment, and competition—and the challenges and opportunities they imply for the MNE. (See also Global Business Bootcamp, below).
The Rules and Tools of Digital Business
The confluence of physical and digital worlds, a shift long in the making, is now well underway—led by globalization and continuing advances in technology and innovation—and resulting in blurred boundaries between physical businesses and digital businesses. Businesses today are of three types – physical, digital, and physical-and-digital (also known as Internet of Things or IoT). The economics and strategy of the three types of businesses are quite different from each other. This course teaches the fundamentals of digital strategy for digital and physical-and-digital (IoT) businesses, including digital transformation of legacy businesses.
The course is structured around two key themes – rules and tools of digital business. Economic principles underpinning digital strategy include, among others, network effects and zero marginal cost. The tools of digital strategy include digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cloud, and data analytics, and digital business models, including product-as-a-service (PaaS), data monetization, and platforms and ecosystems.
Using company examples, the program is offered in four modules: Digital Changes Everything; Rules; Digital Business Models; and Digital Strategy for Legacy Businesses—both B2C and B2B businesses.
Competing in Emerging Markets
I have taught the Competing in Emerging Markets program from the perspective of developed-market firms as well as emerging-market firms (competing in other emerging markets), depending on where the program is offered.

Global Business Bootcamp
Washington, D.C. is a quintessentially international city—with a variety of government, business, academic, multilateral, foreign, and non-profit institutions and think tanks addressing key international issues and policies that reverberate around the nation and the world.
The Global Business Bootcamp offers participants the opportunity to experience global business right here in the nation’s capital. I have taught this program three times in the past, though for students at the University of Maryland.